It is frustrating when you’re trying to cook dinner or clean the kitchen and your cat is constantly jumping up on the kitchen counter leaving footprints and fur all over the place. So why does your cat love to sit on your kitchen counter and what can you do to deter him from jumping up onto it? We should start by saying that your cat jumping on the counter is a completely normal and natural behaviour. Although it is undesirable for you, it is normal for your cat to want to jump up onto high surfaces. So what is it about the kitchen counter that makes it so attractive to cats? Height: our cats love jumping up onto high places because they offer the height advantage that allows them to survey the surrounding area. Your kitchen counter might have a nice window with a view to the garden, or it may offer a good perch for checking out the action inside the home. Food: when your cat jumps up on the counter he might find a delicious reward waiting for him. If your cat finds a tasty morsel each time he jumps up, he’s continuously getting rewarded for his efforts and so will keep repeating the behaviour. Water: Some cats prefer running water so they may jump up on the counter to see if they can drink from the tap. Escaping: you may have a pet dog or young child who likes to chase your cat around the house, so your cat may see your kitchen bench as a safety zone for him to get away. To help change this behaviour we are going to follow 3 steps:
Step 1. Stop All Punishment: Punishment is ineffective at teaching your pet to stop the behaviour. How can that be? The reason is that you’re not there 100% of the time, so he’ll keep getting rewarded intermittently i.e. sometimes he’ll jump up and will find the tasty morsel. Intermittent rewards are the best way to keep a behaviour happening – it’s a bit like winning at the pokies, you keep trying because you once won some cash. So in fact, he’ll keep performing the behaviour. Also, punishment doesn’t teach you cat what you DO want him to do, so he has to guess what to do next and may end up performing an equally undesirable behaviour instead. Stopping using any types of punishment includes:
Most importantly, punishing your pet is detrimental to your relationship with your cat, it can cause unnecessary anxiety and stress because in his eyes, you’ve become unpredictable and scary sometimes. Step 2. Identify & Avoid the situation:
Provide alternative options:
Making the counter less attractive:
Step 3. Teach, watch & reward for desirable behaviours: Stopping punishment and avoiding situations where they’re more likely to jump up are important, but providing your cat with options to perform normal behaviours in ways that are more acceptable to you AND rewarding them for those ‘good’ behaviours is the most important step. This means teaching your cat what you would like him to do.
Using positive reinforcement for the behaviours that you do want to encourage, teaches your cat that good things come from you and he’s rewarded for doing the behaviours that you want him to perform. This strengthens your bond with your little buddy, instead of feeling like you’re having to ‘fight’ him to stay off the counters. If you have any questions about your cat jumping on the counter, have tried the options above and are just not having any luck, please give us a call on 0481 527 678 or email us at
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